
William A. DeGregorio Memorial Scholarship

William DeGregorio was a 1964 graduate of Hoover High School.  He attended Marquette University and majored in history and politics.  He worked as a freelance writer and editor and authored “The Complete Book of U. S. Presidents”.  Bill died at a relatively young age.  His family made a contribution to the North Canton Alumni Association to create a scholarship in his memory to be awarded to a graduating senior who plans to major in journalism or communications.  This scholarship is currently for $1000.  Applications for this one-time scholarship can be found here.   DeGregorio Application Form

Frank Berrodin Citizenship Scholarship

The Citizenship Scholarships are named for Frank Berrodin.  He was a former Midget Football Commissioner, Little League Baseball Player Agent and PTA President.  These scholarships recognize graduating seniors who have been good citizens and have given great effort in their years at Hoover High School.  Students are nominated for these scholarships by their teachers.  This scholarship is currently for $500.

James Phillip Holl Scholarship

James Phillip Holl, a No-Ca-Hi 1949 graduate, is an integral part of our Alumni Association and has also authored several sports books.  His desire is to assist graduates who plan on attending a technical school, trade school, two-year university, or apprenticeship.  This scholarship is currently for $1000.  Applications for this scholarship can be found here.  Holl Application Form

G. Kenneth Oberlin Eagle Scout Scholarship

G. Kenneth Oberlin  was an integral part of the local Boy Scout movement for many years, serving as Scoutmaster for 38 years, and seeing many young men reach the Eagle Scout rank.  His sons, Kenneth Ray and Richard, both earned the rank of Eagle.  This scholarship is currently for $1000.  Applications for this scholarship can be found here.   Oberlin Application Form

Superintendent’s Choice Scholarship

The Superintendent and the school district have been very supportive of our alumni association efforts for more than 30 years. This is especially true of our annual Hall of Distinction ceremony. The recipient is chosen solely on the Superintendent’s criteria. We are pleased to award $500 with this scholarship.